Best Ways To Protect Your Solar Panels From Hail Storm Damage

If you’re a homeowner who has recently purchased solar panels for your home, congratulations – you’re already taking steps to reduce your energy bills and help the planet by making use of renewable energy sources.

However, storms with hail can severely damage unprotected solar panels, leading to expensive repairs or even replacement. As such, it’s important that you understand the best ways to protect your solar array from potential hailstorms and safeguard your investment in renewable energy.

Are Solar Panels Susceptible to Hail Damage?

Yes, solar panels are susceptible to extreme weather and solar panels are not hail-proof. However, high winds and hail damage are two weather conditions that solar panel manufacturers have understood to be top concerns for those interested in purchasing solar panels. That is why the majority of solar panel manufacturers test and certify their panels to withstand hail up to one inch in diameter of hail falling at 50 miles per hour.

I live in an area prone to hailstorms. Should I install solar panels on my roof?

Yes! Or should I say… Hail Yes! Most solar panel manufacturers produce their panels with extreme weather conditions in mind. Don’t let hail stop you from energy savings and energy independence.

Do Solar Panels Get Damaged By Snow?

No, but if you want to have your solar panels convert the sun’s rays into energy then you will want to remove the snow.

What Size of Hail Can Damage a Solar Panel?

Fun fact… A National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) study found that hail damages solar panels less than 5 percent of the time. Less than 5 percent! Like most falling debris, the damage depends on other factors and not just the size. Weight and wind strength are factors. Generally, when hail becomes one inch in diameter is when there is a higher chance of damages being incurred. However, with the right protection, you can rest easily.

Solar panel protection from golf balls

Like hail, gold balls can be a concern. Thankfully, the same way you protect your panels from hail is the same way you protect from golf balls.

How to protect RV solar panels from hail

In the same way you protect them as if they are in a house. However, you are driving at speeds that can pass over 50 mph. So, protecting your panels should be a top priority for you.

How Do You Protect Solar Panels From Hail Damage?

The reality is that your solar panels, like the outside of your house, are exposed to the outside elements. Even in places that have consistent weather, you never know when that one random storm that happens every 10-20 years or those major floods that happen roughly every 250 years, will impact your home. If you live in States that exist in “tornado alley,” such as Colorado and many more, then hail is going to be a common occurrence.

So, how to protect solar panels from hail if you live in a place where it is common?

Here are the best ways to protect your solar panels:

Image shows a storm over a city to highlight the importance of of protecting solar panels

Wire Mesh

A hard and permanent covering that prevents hail from directly striking the panel can be created by wrapping a wire gauge mesh around the panels. This strategy allows sunshine to reach the panels so they can work and creates a shield from huge hailstones.

Make certain that the wire mesh is distributed properly for proper solar panel protection from hail. The openings need to be both large enough to let sunshine through and small enough to keep out the most dangerous hail.

Also, it is important that the wire is properly secured, or it could fly off and damage the panels in the process. Still, it is a cost-effective way to protect your panels.

Angle Adjustment

While trying to avoid hail damage, placement might be quite important. You may want to change the orientation to avoid maximum hail impact.

You can modify the angle of the solar panels using an automated solar panel angle adjuster. Solar panels have an angle at which they are least vulnerable to hail damage, just as they have an ideal angle to receive direct sunlight for the most effective conversion of solar energy. Just remember that once the storm passes you will need to readjust your panels.

Buy these Panels

Purchasing durable solar panels is essential for safeguarding them from hailstorm damage. The durability of a solar panel is determined by the materials used in its production.

UL 61730-rated panels are put through testing to ensure they can survive hail hits of up to three inches in diameter traveling at a maximum speed of 88.3 miles per hour (142 kph). Investing in panels that are certified at this level can help you secure your solar array from practically any storm.

All rigid solar panels ought to have an IP68 rating as well. A panel’s IP68 designation attests to its dust- and water resistance. You want panels that are rated for all the hazards posed by hail since secondary damage might result from hail shattering the panels and letting in leaks.

Inspect Regularly

Solar panels are like windows. A small crack can become a larger crack in a small amount of time. All it takes is some difference in air pressure or temperature for one broken panel to become a set of broken panels. Small cracks are not the problem (though important to address), but one piece of hail can make that small crack a very large problem.

Moral of the story… make sure to inspect your solar panels regularly and occasionally have an expert inspect for potential damage.

Spray on a Methacrylate layer

You can protect your panels with a spray-on monomer called methacrylate. In comparison to hardcovers, it has the benefit that even after the sunlight has been sprayed on the photovoltaic panels, your solar array can still receive and convert it.

One of the most economical coatings your solar panel may have is methacrylate. The ability of the panels to absorb and store solar energy might be harmed by too much of it. You should carefully follow the instructions, maybe isolating a tiny area first to make sure you are using the correct level of pressure.

Follow Weather Forecast

They say preparation is key and that has not changed. You cannot control the weather, but you can prepare for bad weather. Any purchases to protect your solar panels will be less effective if you don’t monitor the weather and prepare for what is coming. Protecting your solar panels is protecting your investment.

Insurance Policy

A manufacturer’s warranty on solar panels is typically provided, although it is conditional. A manufacturer’s warranty, which guards you against flaws present at the time of installation, will often contain exclusions as well. It is highly unlikely that damage from hailstorms or other weather-related damages is covered by the warranty. While hail damage is typically not covered by solar panel warranties, a typical homeowner’s insurance policy usually will.

Make sure to look into insurance policies once you have decided to purchase solar panels

Protective Covers

Impact resistance is greatest when covered with a hard shell. Hard cases entirely shield the panels from hailstones and other weather-related damage, keeping the solar panel below them unharmed.

The disadvantage is that these shells block out light. If you don’t remember to take the case off again after the storm passes, you’ll lose the advantage of not having solar panels that can turn the sun’s energy into power.

Hail damage is less protected by soft covers. The sound of the hailstones striking the glass is muffled, as is the impact. They, however, are a little more manageable than the hardcovers. This will usually be sufficient to safeguard your investment in hailstorms.


If you’re a solar panel owner, it pays to understand the best ways to protect your investment. Hailstorms can cause significant damage, but there are methods and materials available to prevent this in advance.

Consider researching various hail-resistant products for optimal protection and reach out to your local professional for guidance on the best installation options for your energy needs. Even if you don’t live in an area prone to hail, investing in protective measures won’t hurt since hail damage is unpredictable and can occur unexpectedly anywhere.

The cost of proper protection may be considerably lower than the cost of replacing or repairing extensive damage after a storm occurs, so planning ahead is worth it in the long run. Ultimately, understanding how best to protect against hail storms and other natural elements will help keep your solar panels running strong for as long as possible.

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