What is a Sun Number Score and How is it Calculated?

image shows a device measuring the amount of solar energy and light being captured by the solar panels

The “sun number score”, a concept known professionally as “solar potential assessment” or “solar suitability analysis”, evaluates the solar energy potential of a specific location or property. Solar potential assessment, which generates your sun solar number, is evaluated by multiple factors that we will discuss in this article.

The result of your sun solar number helps determine the feasibility and efficiency of a solar energy system and aids in making informed decisions about the installation and sizing of solar panels.

Why the Sun Number Score?

Sun Number Scores are significant because they demonstrate that adding solar panels to a house is feasible. This data is crucial for both current homeowners who are considering solar energy and those intending to purchase a home and add solar panels.

While many people look at square footage, yards and decks, many floors, and other features when looking for a home to buy, Sun Number Scores are being sought more frequently. Since the score is important information to give prospective homebuyers, Zillow now provides Sun Number Scores.

If homeowners intend to sell or rent their home in the future, higher Sun Number Scores also indicate greater potential electricity savings and enhanced property value.

What is a Sun Score?

The sun number score is a metric used to evaluate the solar potential of a specific property or location. It considers factors such as the angle and orientation of the roof, shading from nearby trees or buildings, and the amount of sunlight the area receives throughout the year. So, what is my sun number score?

The sun score is typically used by solar companies to determine the feasibility of installing solar panels on a particular property and to estimate the potential energy production and financial benefits of the installation.

The solar sun score can vary depending on the specific calculation method used and the company providing the evaluation. Some companies use more detailed data and sophisticated algorithms to calculate the Sun Score, while others may use more basic estimates.

What is a Good Sun Number Score?

A score of 70 or greater is regarded as excellent on the Sun Number Score scale, which runs from zero to one hundred. If your score is 70 or higher, installing solar panels on your house is a smart move that will almost certainly result in long-term financial benefits.

A score of 100 indicates that your home is ideal for solar panels, which is uncommon. Really, nothing could be worse.

Solar panels are still a good alternative for your home even though very few properties will achieve a perfect Sun Number Score. You might still be able to benefit from a solar panel system even if your score is lower than 70, albeit with lesser energy output. Your system might just need a more complicated solar panel design to absorb as much sunlight as possible if your Sun Number Score is below average.

The Four Factors Used to Calculate Your Sun Score Number

Your overall Sun Number Score is influenced by four different variables: the building score, which can be as high as 80 points; the area climate score, which can be as low as 8, the electricity score, which can be as high as 8, and the solar cost score, which can be as low as 4.

Building Score 

Your home’s building score is based on the size, orientation, and slope of the roof. In order to maximize your home’s potential for solar power, you should aim for a construction score of at least 50 and preferably 60.

The more space your roof has for solar panel installation and support, as well as the direction it faces, the better. The greatest sunlight will hit south-facing roofs, which will produce more than enough solar energy to power their house.

Also, the roof slope is crucial. The optimal position for solar panels is at a 30-degree angle. If your roof is not at that angle, this can be readily altered with tilts. Therefore, no concerns!

Your Regional Climate Score 

Your home’s neighborhood has an impact on your Sun Number Score as well. Your score may suffer if your home is in a shaded area where there are many trees, structures, or other obstacles obstructing the sun.

Your Sun Number Score can also be affected by the climate and weather. Are there more sunny days in your area than in others? Living in a sunny State has a significant impact on your score. If you live in a location with a lot of cloudy days that will have a negative impact on your score.

Sun Number uses solar irradiance data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to get the regional climate score for your home (NREL).

Electricity Score 

To assess how cost-effective solar panels are for your home, your Sun Number considers the typical electricity rates in your neighborhood.

Your Sun Number Score will increase in proportion to the cost of power in your location because solar panels will save you money over the course of your lifetime. You won’t notice much if any, improvement in your score in regions with cheaper electricity bills.

Solar Cost Score 

In contrast to local power rates, local costs for solar systems have an adverse impact on your Sun Number Score. The more affordable solar panel installation is in your location, the more points you’ll earn; conversely, a more expensive installation will have the reverse effect.

Does a low Sun Number score mean you can’t go solar? 

No, anyone can go solar. A low number just means that it might take you longer to save on your energy bill over time. If you have a very low number then you should do a cost-benefit analysis to find out if solar panels are the right investment for you at this time. 

Did Zillow Get Rid of Sun Numbers?

Yes, Zillow no longer shows the sun numbers. With the information we just shared with you it is possible to do your own analysis. Also, if you find a house you like it is always possible to hire an expert to calculate the sun score number of that house before buying the home.

Sun Score Map

While Zillow no longer shows the sun score number there is a great website called https://sunroof.withgoogle.com. This is powered by google and shows the sun score of multiple locations in the United States and Puerto Rico.

Next Steps

After looking into the sun score for your home, this rating plays a vital role in determining the energy efficiency of your building. By improving this rating, you can reduce your home’s energy consumption and therefore your bill.

Acting now provides substantial financial savings in the long run. So don’t wait; check out your sun score today!

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